Click on a region to view needs and important notes.
Suburban Metro Area
Important Notes
My region's information and blackout dates
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
West Central MN
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Southwest MN
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Southeast MN
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
St Louis
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Northwest MN
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Northeast MN
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
Central MN
Important Notes
Example Notes
Training Needs
2025 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |
2026 Needed | |
aging | 0 |
Bed Bugs Once Bed Bug infestations are established, they are extremely difficult to remove without the help of pest professionals. This training covers the history of bed bugs, biology, pest status; it will also cover detection, treatment and prevention methods. | 0 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES) Policies & Procedures Coordinated Entry is a process of prioritizing households experiencing homelessness for the limited housing resources within our system. It is required as part of Continuum of Care funding. Each CoC has individualized policies and procedures driving their CES. | 0 |
Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is a time-limited evidence-based practice that mobilizes support for society’s most vulnerable individuals during periods of transition. It facilitates community integration and continuity of care by ensuring that a person has enduring ties to their community and support systems during these critical periods. CTI has been applied with veterans, people with mental illness, people who have been homeless or in prison, and many other groups. | 0 |
De-escalation This training will focus on effective strategies for preventing and/or responding to emotionally tense moments, will cover potential causes of crisis situations. Effective emotional control and how to “de-escalate” powerful emotions in others will be covered. | 0 |
Definitions of Homelessness (LTH/Chronic) Different funding sources define homelessness differently and have different documentation requirements. This training breaks down the different definitions, how to document and will allow for practice on walking participants through homeless histories. | 0 |
Diversity (ie. Cult. communities | LGBTQ+ ) We live in a multi-cultural and diverse world. Trainings in diversity can cover topics regarding specific cultures such as Hmong & Somali, Issues related to LGBTQ+ communities and should help to understand biases and sociocultural barriers that effect the work we do. | 0 |
elder | 0 |
Ending Homelessness Explore strategies and programs that MN is using to prevent and end homelessness such as continuum of care, coordinated entry and a slew of acronyms. We will seek to clarify and simplify some of the complexities of these strategies and explore approaches needed to end homelessness. | 0 |
Engaging Difficult Clients Engaging the people we work with can be one of the most difficult tasks case managers face. This training covers engagement strategies and creative case management techniques for connection. | 0 |
Equity / Race Racial Equity trainings are targeted to staff/agencies who wish to sharpen their skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity. Unlike “diversity trainings” which primarily focus on interpersonal relations and awareness, Racial Equity trainings investigate systemic and institutional racial inequities and challenge participants to develop strategies to challenge and change how to challenge and change these systems. | 0 |
Ethics & Boundaries This training addresses some of the most common ethical challenges you might face when working with people who experience homelessness and will use real-life scenarios to challenge your thinking about this topic. | 0 |
Harm Reduction Harm Reduction is a best practice approach to designed to lessen negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal. This training will teach harm reduction as an engagement tool to quickly and successfully connect households experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. | 0 |
History of Homelessness This training will examine the socio-economic and political factors that case homelessness, as well as attitudes and responses towards people experiencing homelessness through several major periods of history. | 0 |
Homelessness | 0 |
Homelessness 101 | 0 |
Housing First Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements. | 0 |
iTV | 0 |
Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a directive, person-centered engagement strategy for eliciting behavior change by helping participants to explore and resolve barriers to change. This best practice gives case managers skills to engage participants and allow the participant to guide the process towards change. | 0 |
Online | 0 |
Prioritization Coordinated Entry systems must create priorities that will drive decisions around housing placement. This training will cover rationale and best practices around prioritization and how this effects individual programs, participants and the overall system. | 0 |
Rapid Rehousing RRH is a housing first, time-limited permanent housing intervention. It has three components: case management, housing search and placement & financial assistance or subsidy. | 0 |
Self-Care / Secondary Trauma This training explores how we can take time to recognize burn out and make repairs to ourselves so that we can successfully work alongside others. | 0 |
senior | 0 |
SOAR | 0 |
Trauma Informed | 0 |
Trauma Informed Care Trauma-specific interventions or treatments that are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing. | 0 |
Tribal sovereignty Treaties the US Government made with Tribal Nations gives them sovereign rights to self-govern and creates a trust-responsibility with state, county and federal governments. This training will explain the importance of honoring tribal sovereignty and implications for working with Native Americans, partnering with Tribal Nations and understanding state, county and federal responsibilities. | 0 |
Working with Survivors of DV/SA This training will provide an introduction to incidence and dynamics of domestic violence and an overview of victim services. We will discuss policies that ensure access for homeless survivors and explore practical ways for homeless outreach, shelter, and housing providers and administrators to empower those affected by violence to achieve housing stability and safety. | 0 |